Power Supply Technical Information

Standard Conditions of Supply of Electricity – Simplified Version


  1. Object of contract
    CEM will supply the electricity upon compliance with all regulations in force and according to the demand subscribed by the Customer.

  2. Terms of contract
    2.1 The supply contract is signed for an initial term of one month, automatically and successively renewable for the same period.
    2.2 Customer who intends to terminate the contract must inform CEM in written and with a minimum notice of five working days, wherefore the Customer will be liable for any debits due related to energy consumption and demand.

  3. Availability and interruption of supply
    3.1 The electricity supply is permanent and continual in which interruptions or restrictions are only those in result of limitations to consumption determined by service reasons, fortuitous events or force majeure, prior accord, acts imputable to the Customer.
    3.2 Service reasons are those due to network operation, maintenance and repair works on the distribution network deemed necessary.
    3.3 Fortuitous events or force majeure are natural disasters, wars, disruption of public order, and similar cases of unexpected nature.
    3.4 Acts imputable to the Customer are:
           a. opposition to inspection of installation within the appointed schedule;
           b. failure to pay the bills on or before the payment due date;
           c. fraud;
           d. failure to update guarantee for transfer of contract;
           e. failure to regularize default situations from fraud;
           f. impossibility to take meter reading for four consecutive months; and
           g. non-compliance with provisions that aim at eliminating any type of disruption in network operation and other installations.
    3.5 For planned interruption, CEM should give individual announcement; or whenever infeasible, public announcement in the media; no less than 36 hours in advance.
    3.6 For cases where advance announcement cannot be applied due to urgency of interruption, CEM should proceed with the necessary works immediately and give public announcement in newspaper.
    3.7 Due to safety reasons, all electrical installations shall be considered live during interruption of supply.
    3.8 When the interruption is imputable to the Customer, CEM will proceed with reconnection of supply after default situation is solved and full payment of all amounts associated with the interruption and reconnection is made.

  4. Energy metering and demand control equipment
    4.1 The energy metering and demand control equipment, referring to the meter and service circuit-breaker, are properties of CEM.
    4.2 Upon communication to the Customer, CEM reserves the right to replace the energy metering equipment whenever deemed necessary.
    4.3 Customer is responsible for the costs related to damage of the energy metering equipment, as a result of causes not related to its normal use.

  5. Reading of energy consumption
    5.1 Reading of energy consumption is taken monthly as stated on the bill on the “Next Reading Date”.
    5.2 Whenever by reason imputable to the Customer or by force majeure reading could not be taken, energy consumption will be estimated according to the average reading of the previous 12 months.
    5.3 Consumption estimated in accordance with 5.2 will be adjusted in the next bill based on meter reading.

  6. Tariffs
    Electricity tariffs are fixed by the Macao SAR.

  7. Billing
    Energy consumption and related charges are billed monthly, pursuant to the electricity tariffs fixed by the Macao SAR.

  8. Bill payment
    8.1 The payment of the bill is due in a maximum of 15 days, counted from the reading date, at the office of CEM or through institutions and methods indicated on the back of the bill.
    8.2 Failure to pay the bill is subject to a surcharge over the outstanding amount and suspension of supply after five working days from the payment due date.

  9. Deposit
    9.1 At the time of signing of the contract, CEM reserves the right to demand the Customer a deposit, which in whole or in part, to settle any debit liable to the Customer.
    9.2 CEM holds the right to demand an update of deposit resulted from increase of subscribed demand (meter size) or reconstitution, in whole or in part, to settle any debit payable by the Customer to CEM.
    9.3 Upon termination of contract, the deposit is refunded after deduction of any debit due.

  10. Complaints and requests
    10.1 Customer is welcomed to request and/or complain on the services through Info Line and/or other channels available.
    10.2 When Customer complains on billing, all debits due being investigated will be suspended until a conclusion is obtained.
  11. Jurisdiction
    The Court of Law in the Macao SAR will entertain jurisdiction over any disputes that may arise between the Customer and CEM.




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