
Process Guide

This page provides a brief outline on the procurement procedures of Companhia de Electricidade de Macau – CEM, S.A. (hereafter refer as “the Company”). It also serves as a guideline for companies interested in becoming Registered Suppliers of the Company.

Procurement Policy and Principles

It is the policy of the Company to act fairly and equally in business dealings with its vendors / contractors / consultants (collectively referred to as “Suppliers”) and at the same time to obtain the best possible value for money in acquiring goods, services and materials.

Fair Competition

As a public utility, the Company encourages fair competition in all procurements and requires its major procurements to be awarded through a tendering process. This ensures the best value and provides equal opportunities for all interested and competent Suppliers. We ensure that all invited tenderers are given the same information for preparing tenders.

No Gifts & Hospitality

The Company is committed to abide by a strict regulatory regime and firm compliance with the laws and regulations governing its overall activity. Suppliers must not offer any gifts, gratuities, entertainment, services or any other advantages to our employees. The purpose of this is to ensure that our Company upholds the integrity, impartiality, and professionalism in decision-making.


The Company is committed to providing a safe environment for its customers, staff and Suppliers. When supplying the Company with products / services, Suppliers must at all times meet the statutory requirements with respect to safety and other standards which are communicated to them by the Company.

Environmental Requirements

The Company is dedicated to protecting the environment and, where applicable, prefers to buy environmentally-friendly products / services. When supplying the Company with products / services, Suppliers must meet the statutory requirements with respect to environmental protection and other requirements which are communicated to them by the Company at all times.

Procurement Methods

The Company uses one of the following methods in its procurements -


Depending on the value and time frame and nature of each procurement, the following methods of tendering will be adopted:

  • Pre-qualified Tendering

Applications for pre-qualification are invited openly (either via the Company’s Website or via other public media or both) or by invitation. Applicants are pre-qualified and short listed according to the financial and technical capabilities required in a particular contract.

  • Open Tendering

Tender Notice are published in CEM official website and/or local and international press. All interested suppliers/contractors are free to submit tenders.

  • Restricted Tendering

Tender invitations are sent to Suppliers on the Company Registered Suppliers List established for the purpose of restricted tendering.

  • Single Tendering

Tender invitation is sent to only one supplier. This procedure is only used under circumstances not applicable to the above tendering methods, such as urgency or security, for proprietary products or for reasons of compatibility.

Pre-qualification and Tender Submission

The Company has standard forms for pre-qualification and tendering, which will be provided to interested Suppliers wishing to be pre-qualified and submit tenders. It is very important that interested Suppliers closely follow the instructions in these documents which must be submitted to the Company on or before the relevant closing dates and times. Late submissions will not be considered.

Pre-qualification and Tender Assessment

Through this assessment, the Company will determine whether or not the relevant pre-qualification documents and tenders comply with the requirements of the Company.

- In general, the following main areas of a pre-qualification document will be evaluated:

  • the technical expertise of the Supplier
  • the financial strength of the Supplier
  • the relevant experience of the Supplier
  • the Supplier’s approach towards the design, production or construction of a related project
  • the Supplier’s consensus to the environmental concerns
  • the possession of Management and Quality Certifications

- In general, the following main areas of a tender will be evaluated:

  • the technical proposals submitted by the tenderer
  • the financial capability of the tenderer
  • the degree of contractual compliance of the tender
  • the reasonableness of the tender price
  • the environment impact of the supplied goods or services
  • the possession of Management and Quality Certifications

Written Quotation

eTender Quotation

Following the instruction in the Tender, proposals or quotations requested to be submitted via the eTender System shall be submitted to a designated email address before the specified closing date and time.

Sealed Quotation

Following the instruction in the Tender, proposals or quotations requested to be submitted in closed envelope should be sent in sealed envelopes, to the Reception of Ground Floor before the specified closing date and time.

Verbal Quotation - Small Value Purchases

Where the estimated value of each procurement is MOP20,000 or below, written tender invitation is not mandatory. Verbal quotations can be obtained from Suppliers. These Suppliers may or may not be on the Company Registered Suppliers.

How to become a Company’s Registered Supplier

Application Procedures

Applicants should complete the entire registration process through the "Supplier Online Registration System". Interested companies should fill in the required information according to the guidelines and upload the required supporting documents to the "Supplier Online Registration System". The Company will retain all submitted data records for future tendering reference.

Suppliers’ Obligations to the Company

Suppliers must

  • not disclose any confidential or proprietary information in respect of the Company to a third party without the written consent of the Company;
  • not give or agree to offer or give to any person, any bribe, gift, gratuity or commission as an inducement or reward for doing or forbearing to do any action in relation to his Tender;
  • supply goods, materials or services to the Company in accordance with the agreed terms and conditions;
  • immediately inform the Company’s Procurement & Logistics Department in writing of any changes in their correspondence address, contact persons, phone/fax numbers, etc., as well as any restructuring of their companies; and
  • reply to invitations for tenders/ quotations within the specified time frame and strictly follow the Company’s Instruction to Tenderers in submitting their tenders.

How the Company Measures the Performance of Suppliers

Suppliers’ performance will be monitored regularly. Their status will be reviewed from time to time and may be deleted or suspended from our Registered Supplier list depending on their performance.

The Company measures Suppliers’ performance using the following criteria:

Bid Response Rating

The Company monitors the punctuality of Suppliers in responding to the Company’s invitation to tenders / quotations. Suppliers who have been invited to submit tenders / quotations should reply to the Company in accordance with the instructions / guidelines provided in the invitation letters, even if they decide to decline to make any offer.

The Company may consider disqualifying Suppliers who do not respond to invitations to submit tenders / quotations in accumulation of three times within one calendar year.

Supplier Performance Evaluation

Material Suppliers

The key criteria for evaluating the performance of Material Suppliers are “Delivery” and “Quality”

 Contractors (including Consultants)

The performance of the Contractors shall be evaluated after completion of the project or every 12 months if the Contractor provides continuous services to CEM. To evaluate the Contractor’s success in meeting the concerns of CEM, six major performance criteria shall be considered:

  • Time Control
  • Cost Control
  • Quality Control
  • Occupational Health & Safety (H&S) Control
  • Environmental Protection Control
  • Cyber Security Control

Contractor shall be mailed/faxed a copy of their Contractor Performance Evaluation Report within a reasonable time after the Taking Over Certificate is issued or the end of the service period. The evaluation result will be taking into consideration for future tender invitation and/or contract renewal.

Contact Us

You are welcome to contact us via normal mail, e-mail, fax, etc., by the following address and contact points:

Procurement & Logistics Department

Mailing Address:   Companhia de Electricidade de Macau - CEM, S.A.

                              Edifício CEM

                              Estrada de D. Maria II


E-mail address:

Tel: 853-2833 9933

Fax: 853-2830 8361

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