Safety, Health, Environment and Quality


CEM publicly adopted an integrated policy for Safety, Health, Environment and Quality (SHEQ), in January 2002, when it started the implementation of an integrated management system for SHEQ issues.

Safety, Health, Environment and Quality are CEM priorities. The company has been working to ensure safe and healthy workplaces for its employees and its contractors’ workers. To protect the environment and nature, ensuring sustainability for future generations, is one of the important company objectives. It is also a company’s goal to strive for business excellence, continuously optimizing processes and service quality.

An Integrated Management System is a structured approach to address sound management of economic, social and environmental issues, fostering continuous improvement in SHEQ issues, which results from the integration of the Environmental Management System, the Occupational Health and Safety Management System and the Quality Management System, developed in accordance with ISO 14001, ISO 45001, ISO 9001, ISO 14064-1 and ISO 20000-1 international standards respectively.

ISO Certification

The world is changing at a swift pace in all aspects. In the past two decades, sustainable development has been transforming from initiative to be promoted, to a mandatory requirement and obligation for the continuous success of any business. As a utility company and a major player in Macau, CEM has a significant role in the development of the city. This way, we are deeply committed to carrying out our activities in a sustainable way, following closely our Safety, Health, Environment and Quality policy.

CEM adopted international management standards that provide sound principles for effective management and corporate governance. This will ensure the compliance of sustainable development in our Company. So far, CEM has been certified with the following international standards:


Safety, Health, Environment and Quality Excellence Awards

CEM has been strongly committed to promote environmental protection and health and safety at work, and to extend this commitment to its business partners, namely contractors and suppliers. To encourage these groups of stakeholders to deliver the best performance and stay vigilant at any time, CEM set up “Health, Safety, Environment and Quality Excellence Awards” since 2008 to acknowledge their efforts. 

Presented bi-annually, the awards include Excellence Award, Certificate of Merit and Certificate of Recognition. A professional judging panel comprises of representatives from Labour Affairs Bureau, Environmental Protection Bureau, University of Macau, Macau Occupational Safety and Health Association, Macau Productivity and Technology Transfer Centre as well as CEM. 57 companies had received the recognitions since 2008.  




Safety, Health, Environment and Quality (S.H.E.Q.) Policy


CEM established and maintained an Integrated Management System in conformity with applicable laws, regulations and international standards. The Integrated Management System provides the framework for setting and reviewing objectives and targets in the Safety, Health, Environmental and Quality areas.


CEM is committed to:

  • Continuously and efficiently reducing the impact of its activities on the environment, enhancing the quality of its products and services, and improving safety and health conditions by minimizing as much as possible hazards in the workplace and all occupational health and safety risks;
  • Promoting awareness in the same areas amongst customers, contractors, suppliers and Macao society;
  • Complying with all applicable legislation and regulations as well as other requirements to which it may proactively subscribe;
  • Improving communication with customers, the public and other interested parties, for mutual benefit, as a way of enhancing the ability of all to create value;
  • Applying the best available sustainable technologies to minimize environmental impacts, achieving the highest safety, health and quality standards and striving for continual improvement in S.H.E.Q. areas;
  • Seeking to deal with strategic, financial and operational risks in a consistent, structured and value-added way by identifying, analyzing, evaluating, controlling and reviewing business risks in a sustainable manner;
  • Developing internally a S.H.E.Q. culture by raising awareness, educating and training employees to carry out their activities in a responsible manner, while at the same time requiring consultation and participation of employees (and where they exist, employees’ representatives) in occupational health and safety matters;
  • Making wide-ranging social contributions in close partnership with local communities by disclosing S.H.E.Q. performance related information on regular basis.
  • Seeking to minimize environmental loads by efficiently using resources, saving energy, reducing waste, encouraging material recycling, embracing green purchasing practices, and particularly by minimizing emissions of greenhouse gases, ozone-depleting substances, and toxic matter;


Sustainability Report

CEM established and maintained an Integrated Management System in conformity with applicable laws, regulations and international standards. The Integrated Management System provides the framework for setting and reviewing objectives and targets in the Safety, Health, Environmental and Quality areas.


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