Applications / Services

Change Name

Applicant [1]:

Must be the property owner/tenant


Required documents:

  1. ID copy of property owner [2] [3]
  2. Copy of Property Registration Report [4] issued by CRPM (valid within three months)
  3. Electricity bill


If the applicant is the tenant, please also provide:

  1. ID copy of tenant [2] [3]
  2. Original and copy of lease [5]


For non-residential use, please also provide:

Purpose of Electrical Installation / Electrical Technician Declaration[6] and valid Electrical Installation License [7] issued by the Land and Urban Construction Bureau (DSSCU), in the name of applicant and with respective subscribed demand



  1. Outstanding balance of the applied contract
  2. Deposit (according to the subscribed demand)


Time elapsed:

Immediately [8]





[1] If applicant cannot apply in person, he/she may sign an authorization letter to authorize a representative to apply on his/her behalf.

[2] BIR, HK ID, PRC ID or Passports of different countries.

[3] If the applicant is a company/association, copy of business/association registration issued within the latest 3 months is required. Moreover, the Electricity Supply Contract has to be signed by the legal representative(s) with company/association chop.

[4] Copy of property transaction contract testimony by lawyer/Three-party contract/Housing Deed/Stamp duty (M1&M2) can be provided but is subject to approval.

[5] For lease with testimony by lawyer, ID copy of the owner is not required.

[6] Declaration has to be signed by the applicant or the legal representative(s) of the company/association with company/association chop. “Electrical Technician Declaration” is only applicable to Electricity Supply Application and Change of Subscribed Demand that require valid Electrical Installation License.

[7] For electrical installation under scope specified in Administrative Regulation no. 35/2011.

[8] Submitted documents have to be confirmed by CEM with payment of respective charges.

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