Billing Information

Tariff Group C

Tariff Group C[1] is available to customers supplied by medium voltage and with subscribed demand not less than 1,000 kVA or 857 kW.

Customers can change to another tariff group only after they have been billed for at least one complete high season period.


Standard Voltages

Low voltage (LV): 230/400 V

Medium voltage (MV): 11,000 V


Tariff Classes

C1 - MV supply and metering

C2 - MV supply and LV metering



Consumption charges under tariff group C are based on:

Demand - Demand in kW calculated by 0.2Pc + 0.8Pu


  • Highest Measured demand in kW during a given billing period.
  • For tariff class C2, 1% of the highest measured demand is charged to recover the transformer winding loss.


  • Subscribed demand in kW.
  • Pc is updated automatically by Pu whenever Pu exceeds Pc. It is reduced to the highest Pu, whenever Pu is lower than Pc throughout a period of 12 months.


Active Energy

  • Energy measured in kWh.
  • For tariff class C2, 1% of the measured active energy is charged to recover the transformer winding loss.


Reactive Energy

  • Energy measured in kvarh.
  • Reactive energy measured in peak-load and full-load hours is the reactive energy delivered from the network to the customer installation. Only the portion of reactive energy that exceeds 60% of active energy in the same tariff period is charged.
  • Reactive energy measured in low-load hours is the reactive energy that the network receives from the customer installation, and is fully charged.
  • For tariff class C2, 10% of active energy in the same tariff period is considered to recover the transformer reactive energy loss. It is added to the measured reactive energy peak-load and full-load hours, and subtracted in low-load hours.


Tariff Clause Adjustment

Adjustment in tariff to reflect fluctuation in energy production cost, that is fixed quarterly.


Government Tax

Monthly tax payable for the usage of electrical installation.


Tariff Seasons

High season: June – September

Low season: October – May


Tariff Periods

Peak-load hours: 10:30 - 13:00; 14:30 - 16:00

Full-load hours: 09:30 - 10:30; 13:00 - 14:30; 16:00 - 20:30

Low-load hours: 00:00 - 09:30; 20:30 - 24:00


Prices [2]


Tariff C1

Tariff C2


19.797 (MOP/kW)

21.484 (MOP/kW)

Active Energy

High season

Peak-load hours

 1.432 (MOP/kWh)


Full-load hours

0.885 (MOP/kWh)


Low-load hours

0.749 (MOP/kWh)


Low season

Peak-load hours

0.776 (MOP/kWh)


Full-load hours

0.776 (MOP/kWh)


Low-load hours

0.724 (MOP/kWh)

     Reactive Energy

High season

Peak-load hours

0.348 (MOP/kvarh)


Full-load hours

0.348 (MOP/kvarh)


      Low-load hours

0.116 (MOP/kvarh)


Low season

Peak-load hours

0.348 (MOP/kvarh)



Full-load hours

0.348 (MOP/kvarh)


Low-load hours

0.116 (MOP/kvarh)



[1] Administrative Regulation n.º 25/2022 of June 27.

[2] Executive Decree n.º105/2022 of June 27.

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