CEM organized safe driving sessions for staff
29 July 2013, Macau
In order to enhance safe driving awareness among employees, CEM invited Associação de Instrutores de Condução de Automóveis de Macau and Macau Professionals of Motorcycles Association (APMM) to hold three sharing sessions on safe driving at CEM Building, Coloane Power Station and Dispatch Centre on July 1, 16 and 24 respectively.
At the sessions, Chairman of Associação de Instrutores de Condução de Automóveis de Macau first briefed CEM staff on the latest traffic laws in Macau, and shared proper driving behaviors with them and explained some traffic blackspots in the city. Leaders from APMM then educated CEM employees about safe driving and maintenance of motorcycles. Over 130 staff participated in the event.
CEM expressed gratitude to Associação de Instrutores de Condução de Automóveis de Macau and APMM for dispatching staff to explain and share knowledge in safe driving. The sharing is helpful for CEM staff to understand safe driving, as some often drive to perform their duty. Therefore, CEM especially invited APMM representatives to instruct relevant driving skills and impart knowledge, which was much appreciated by the participants.