CEM collaborates with the Annual Science Fair organized by Macau Sam Yuk Middle School
14 March 2016, Macau
CEM joined on 11 March 2016 the Annual Science Fair organized by the Macau Sam Yuk Middle School with the theme “MateREALIZE: Ideas, Knowledge and Innovation”, aiming at cultivating positive attitudes towards and deeper appreciation of scientific studies among the students.
Various activities were designed to support students’ learning of different principles related to astronomy, chemistry, and physics. CEM was invited to participate in the program to give a presentation about Macau local power generation and CEM environmental initiatives, and to lead the students in doing related-hands-on experiments. CEM introduced to the students concepts about renewable energies by setting up two experiments about solar and wind energy.
CEM Generation Department Engineer, Ms. Chan Leng, explained to the students the different local power generation infrastructures, the energy sources used in Macau and the importance of enhancing the local power generation capacity, also introduced the various environmental projects and initiatives of CEM to contribute to the environment protection in Macau, at the same time provided useful tips for the students to have good practices in terms of energy saving and safety.
Experiments were setup for the students to learn about two renewables energies, solar and wind. Students tried by themselves to make a solar model car, and make wind blades by disposable plastic water bottles to be installed in a wind generator.
CEM understands that environmental protection must be carried out in every aspect of our lives and has been conducting a series of activities to promote green culture and raise Macau citizens’ awareness on making good use of electric power. Among them, the ‘Macau Energy Saving Contest’, Energy Fun Fair, Solar and Capacitance Model Car Races, have been particularly receiving strong support from the Macau residents. Environment education should always come first in environment protection.
To allow Macau students to learn about renewable energy, CEM conducts various activities each year, in a bid to allow Macau students to get in touch with different renewable energies, enhance their consciousness and recognition of the usage of renewable energy, as well as contribute to the improvement of their scientific and technical knowledge as well as interest in the field.