CEM holds Seminars on Safety of Building Communal Electrical Installations
Macau, 30 October 2016
CEM joined hands with the General Residents Association of Macau (UGAMM) and Aliança de Povo de Instituição de Macau (API) in succession to hold two seminars on the safety of public electrical installations, attracting a total of more than 200 property owners. The seminars aim to promote the importance of maintenance and management on building communal electrical installations, in order to avoid affecting the daily life due to poor maintenance.
At the Seminars, CEM representatives introduced the “Responsibilities and Periodic Maintenance of Building Public Communal Electrical Installations” and promoted “CEM Customer Services” in a bid to enhance communications with customers. Representatives in attendance included Supervisor of Buildings Working Committee of UGAMM Cheng Son Meng, Vice Supervisor of Buildings Working Committee of UGAMM Ho Mou Pan, API Deputy Director Ao Ieong Kuong Kao, API Office Director Hoi Long Tong, CEM Transmission and Distribution Department Senior Manager Billy Chan, Customer Services Department Senior Manager Jane Leong, Communications and Public Affairs Office Senior Manager Cecilia Nip and Customer Services Department Customer Contact Management Manager Uman Cheang.
CEM strives to offer reliable and safe power supply to Macau by devoting efforts on the maintenance and repair of the public transmission and distribution networks and related facilities including primary substations, customer substations and so forth. However, the safety and stability of power supply in each building is subject to periodic inspection as well as repair and maintenance by property owners.
Most of the attendees were representatives from property owners’ committees. At the Seminars, CEM representatives clarified the responsibilities of CEM and property owners in terms of electrical installations. Building communal electrical installations (including main low-voltage switchboard, main collective panel, meter box, main collective line and CCL) are jointly owned by property owners, who are responsible for the regular inspection and maintenance to ensure the installations’ normal operation to avoid power failure. When performing inspection, note that whether there are visible damage and exposed live parts of the electrical installations, there is water leakage nearby, main low-voltage switchboard, main collective panel, main collective line and CCL are in good condition. Property owners should hire local experienced electrical contractors to perform regular inspection and maintenance. Electrical contractor list can be retrieved from CEM website www.cem-macau.com. If the main switch maintenance and replacement works involve electricity suspension and restoration, contact CEM for assistance by calling Info Line at 2833 9911. Owners should request electrical contractors to submit a report after the work.
In the Q & A session at the end of the Seminars, participants raised many questions about the maintenance of communal electrical installations in buildings and CEM representatives gave their instant answers and advices.