
CEM responses to opinions made on maintenance matters

Macau, 19 May 2020

Regarding a petition letter which was submitted to the Government Headquarters by a citizen yesterday to express his opinions on CEM’s maintenance, CEM’s response is as follows:

The electricity meter in need of repair mentioned by the citizen actually involves some of the main collective lines, CCL, meter boxes and circuits inside the building, which were burnt and thus caused an outage. As the above-mentioned electrical equipment belongs to the communal electrical installation in the building which is jointly owned by property owners, the concerned property owners have hired electrical contractor to follow up the repair and replacement after inspection and explanation were provided by CEM technicians dispatched to the site. CEM has also appointed staff several times to explain the regulations to the concerned citizen to address his misunderstanding of the scope of powers and responsibilities.

CEM has been promoting the scope of responsibilities related to the communal electrical installation in buildings (including main low-voltage switchboard, main collective panel, meter box, main collective line and CCL) and the importance of maintenance through various channels. CEM once again appeals that property owners should maintain, inspect and repair the communal electrical installation in buildings regularly to ensure electrical safety and avoid fire incidents.

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