CEM delegates participate in CEPSI virtual conference to explore the sustainable development of the industry
Macau, 4 November 2021
The 23rd Conference of the Electricity Power Supply Industry (CEPSI 2021) is one of the biggest and renowned power-supply themed exhibitions in Asia. It is organized biennially by the Association of the Electricity Supply Industry of East Asia and the Western Pacific (AESIEAP) as well as member countries or regions by turns. CEPSI aims to provide a platform for knowledge exchange and strengthen cooperation for the power industry in the Asia-Pacific region. The conference is hosted by the Philippines this time, and virtual technical meetings are held on 4, 11, 18, 25 November in a total of four days, with over 2,500 industry delegates participating in this event. Companhia de Electricidade de Macau – CEM. S.A. (CEM) sent four representatives to present their papers at the conference.
The theme of CEPSI 2021 is “Energized Countries, Empowered Communities”, which focuses on the collaboration among stakeholders in the power industry, leveraging partnerships and creating synergies to create the greatest value and impact to communities. Through multi-sectoral partnerships and collaboration, connected smart infrastructure and systems, business development opportunities, inclusive access to electricity and grid resilience, as well as environment sustainability through renewable energy sources, the conference aims to bring forth thought leadership and action to promote sustainability and social inclusiveness in the power industry of the region.
The topics and presenters of the four papers presented by CEM at CEPSI are as follows: “Deploying AMI system with HPLC technology in CEM” by Charles Leong, Technical Advisor of Customer Services Department; “The Enhancement of Distribution Network Capacity in Macau” by Kevin Lei, Manager of Network Strategy and Policy Unit of Transmission and Distribution Department; “Long-Term Load Forecasting in Medium-Voltage Distribution Networks in Macau” by João Simões, Engineer of Planning and Analysis Unit of Power and Networks Dispatch Department; “How A Mobile Apps Facilitates Power Restoration Under Extreme Weather” by Hugo Gomes, Engineer of Application Management Unit of Information Systems Department. The attendees from CEM said they have benefited a lot through the virtual conference, which helps promote CEM's smart and sustainable development.