CEM holds ‘Clean Energy City Challenge’ Exhibition at Macau Science Center to promote environmental protection and usage of clean energies
Macau, 20 October 2022
CEM launched in partnership with Macau Science Center and the technical support from the Science & Technology Promotion Association the “Clean Energy City Challenge” in May, aiming at drawing students’ interest in environmental protection and usage of clean energies, as well as nurturing talents engaged in scientific research and innovation. 20 selected projects from F1-F3 students and F4-F6 students will be exhibited at Macau Science Center from 22 to 30 October 2022 to compete for the final awards with professional judging and public voting.
A total of 54 teams from 23 secondary schools enrolled for the Challenge comprising two groups, one group of F1-F3 students participating in the ‘Environment & Energy Conservation’ category to develop ideas to use energy in a more efficient and environmental-friendly way, another group of F4-F6 students participating in the ‘Clean Energies & Technology’ category to propose ideas to design products, services or installations that integrate clean energy infrastructures in Macau. A professional judging panel comprising representatives from Macau Science Center, Science & Technology Promotion Association, Environmental Protection Bureau, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers and CEM previously selected the top 10 entries from each category, which then built their models that are now going to be exhibited at Macau Science Center.
Projects developed by the students cover a wide range of spectrum. For example, environmentally friendly classrooms converting different energies that are commonly wasted in the classroom, such as kinetic, sound, or thermal energy into useful energy; solutions for the still low endurance and prolonged charging time of electric vehicles; a comprehensive park using kitchen waste to generate energy; and an intelligent public lighting system for delivering more efficient energy usage and many benefits to people's daily lives, etc.
Public can visit the exhibition from 10:00am to 6:00pm during the exhibition period to vote for the best projects with chances to win attractive prizes. Plus, visitors who Like CEM Facebook fan page on spot will have the chance to enter a lucky draw to win a limited edition Era Car CEM van model.
Top 10 entries of F1-F3 students (Environment & Energy Conservation) in competition are: Colégio do Sagrado Coração de Jesus – English Section (Team A), Escola Nossa Senhora de Fátima (Team B), Escola Secundária Pui Ching (Team A), Colégio Yuet Wah – English Section (Team A), Colégio Perpétuo Socorro Chan Sui Ki (Team A), Escola Secundária Lou Hau (Team A), Escola Fong Chong da Taipa (Team A), Escola Choi Nong Chi Tai (Team A), Escola de Aplicação Anexa à Universidade de Macau (Team A) and Colégio de Santa Rosa de Lima – Chinese Section (Team A). F1-F3 winning projects will receive MOP3,000 (Champion), MOP2,000 (1st Runner-up) and MOP1,000 (2nd Runner-up), trophies and certificates of winning. A special prize of MOP1,500 will be given for the Public’s Favorite Vote.
Top 10 entries of F4-F6 students (Clean Energies & Technology) in competition are:Escola dos Moradores de Macau (Team A), Escola Choi Nong Chi Tai (Team A), Escola Fong Chong da Taipa (Team A), Escola de Aplicação Anexa à Universidade de Macau (Team B), Colégio do Sagrado Coração de Jesus – English Section (Team A), Sheng Kung Hui Escola Choi Kou (Team C), Escola São Paulo (Team A), Escola Secundária Pui Va (Team B), Colégio Perpétuo Socorro Chan Sui Ki (Team A) and Escola Secundária Pui Ching (Team B). F4-F6 winning projects will receive MOP5,000 (Champion), MOP3,000 (1st Runner-up) and MOP2,000 (2nd Runner-up), trophies and certificates of winning, respectively. A special prize of MOP2,500 will be given for the Public’s Favorite Vote.
The winning projects will be kept for further exhibition at the Eco Conservation Gallery of Macau Science Center and may be exhibited in other venues in the Greater Bay Area as well.